About Us
Customer Concern
Helping business leaders make informed decisions
We are global strategy consulting group with offices across world wide,
Dexwork UK LTD support a technology of the online business as application service provider. HP design, System development include the analytics reporting system.
Dexworx.Inc and Heartkom F&A.Llc counsel clients on their key strategic issues, leveraging our deep industry expertise and using analytical rigor to help them make informed decisions more quickly and solve their toughest and most critical business problems. locate in Los Angeles help consumers in the biggest market USA, and Heartkom F&A.Llc locate in Tokyo help customers in second largest consumer country Japan by own Japanese languages.
Especial the idea to create the merchandising products, Best choice area we recommend is Asian Pacific countries. Skyexcel(HONG KONG)Ltd totally helps, Shape the design, Research., Making the sales scheme, Introduce the factories, Negotiation with factory, and Management manufacturing, Inspections and Import export support etc...
Companies come to us because they know we offer the knowledge, insight and guidance they need to move forward with confidence. Our consultants deliver world-class and rigorous analysis, deep knowledge of their industries, and pragmatic solutions to produce practical, high-impact results – quickly.
We provides a comprehensive range of capabilities around the globe, including Strategy, Mergers & Acquisitions, Operations and Marketing & Sales. We have deep expertise and a proven track record in a broad range of industries:
How to shape an idea
Project Research, Investment,
Manufacture Research
System Development
HP, Online solution.
Foreign Negotiation,
Language issue
Production Control,
Import Export, TAX&VAT
DEXWORX provide the insight targeted, results-driven marketing services to businesses seeking to reach, sellers and manufacturers of products worldwide.
Our services include: Branding advice on new products
Strategy for new products. Researching the manufacturers Quality inspection arrangement.
Shipping management. Import and Taxation support and Delivery management.
Application service provider.
Specialist for cleating a unique HP and system development.
Clients are Asian Bank HP, online shopping mall site, gaming site, Navi site, etc...
Focus to the largest consumer country USA & JAPAN.
DEXWORX is established in LA, HEARTKOM is Tokyo.
Support of marketing, production idea, and make it really, Research and negotiate with manufactures on behalf of clients, Promotion products wold wide.
Clients no worry to communicate by English and Japanese languages.
We are multi-national companies with solid foundations in all aspects of online technology. With clients worldwide we strive to provide the best possible service, solution and support merchandising . We believe you can go as far as your mind lets you, what you believe, remembers, We appreciate the support until you can achieve.